What if the experts are wrong? What if quarantining the healthy does not actually save lives? What if wearing a mask in the public is not effective?
My name is Dr. Jeff Barkey and I am here representing thousands of physicians across the country whose voices are being silenced because we do not agree with the mainstream media and experts that are telling us what to to do.
Never in the history of this great republic have we quarantined the healthy.
Never in the history of this great republic have we told churchgoers that it is illegal for you to exercise your first amendment right of freedom of religion.
Yet it is essential to keep pot dispensaries open.
Never in the history of this great country have you been told that you cannot go to church because it is not essential but you can go get an abortion because that is essential.
Never before in our country have we let criminals out of jail but we told you that you cannot exercise your second amendment right to protect yourself by purchasing a firearm.
When liquor stores are deemed essential but your businesses are deemed non-essential there is something wrong going on.
This booklet, the Declaration of Independence and our US Constitution was never designed to restrain the people it was designed to restrain the government.
This is not NY(where they are killing the elderly) and thank God it is not San Francisco(where they shit on the streets like it is a third world country and hand out drugs for free like it was candy).
Governor Newsom has gone too far. Governor Newsom has stepped on our liberties and our freedoms.
As a physician, I can tell you yes, this virus is dangerous, but as we see the statistics come in we are realizing that the fatality rate of this virus is in the ballpark of a bad seasonal influenza.
What we are also knowing is that just like other respiratory viral illnesses in the past we get over this virus by achieving herd immunity.
We can never achieve herd immunity by keeping the herd quarantined.
It is time that we protect the vulnerable and those most at risk, but we allow the young and healthy to open the doors and go back to work.
Do not let your voices be silenced.
Make sure that you let your elected representatives who are apparently essential hear your voices loud and clear.
As we see unemployment rise to depression levels we also see suicide increase, we see domestic violence increase, we see child abuse increase, we see alcohol and drug abuse increase, all because the government has overstepped its reach.
We will see eventually that this cure… that this government-imposed cure is going to be worse than the virus itself.
But what is happening now as unemployment reaches 20 to 30 million people is that as those folks are becoming dependent on the government, and what government dependency causes is a larger more tyrannical government.
We the people want to get back to work.
We the people want to put our government back in its place.
We want a small representative government, not a large tyrannical government.
I am here representing thousands of physicians across the country whose voices must be heard.
It is an honor and privilege to be here to ask that Riverside county be opened.
We want Orange County to be opened.
We want the whole state of California to be opened.
We want our whole country the United States of America to open back up and we the people will not take it any longer.
Thank you for inviting me to this rally, stay strong, and be safe!
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