With the outbreak of the Coronavirus, people have been buying up all the supplies of hand sanitizers. Where can you find hand sanitizers to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus? At home!
One important note of caution is that you want to make sure that you don’t have too much isopropyl alcohol or too little. You should have 2/3 or 60% of your sanitizer made of 90-99% pure isopropyl alcohol. This follows the CDC guidelines.
Keep in mind that you should be washing your hands regularly with soap and water. It is not necessary that the water be hot or that the soap is antibacterial. Read the CDC recommendation.
Simple Two-Ingredient Hand Sanitizer Recipe
An easy to make hand sanitizer recipe involves two ingredients. The first is aloe vera gel and the second ingredient is isopropyl alcohol. Corn huskers lotion works great if you do not have aloe vera.
The reason for the gel is to make sure that the sanitizer becomes thick. It will make it easier to handle and it will last longer. With the type of isopropyl alcohol, it has to be of any extremely specific concentration. Look for one that has a 90-99% concentration.
After purchasing the two ingredients you will simply mix them together. The mixture should be one part aloe vera for every two parts of isopropyl alcohol. These are the guidelines given by the CDC for hand sanitizer.
Store the mixture and use it when necessary. Keep in mind that since this is homemade there are no extra chemicals in there to protect the skin. Many hand sanitizers have other ingredients to make sure that you do not dry out your skin.
If you have a moisturizer for the skin you might want to apply that after the hand sanitizer has fully dried. Do not mix the two together.
Treat this homemade recipe as a simple stopgap measure. Do not use this as a replacement for washing your hands with antibacterial soap and hot water. That is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
Lastly, when you were washing your hands make sure that you wash not only the front of your hands but also the back as well. Wash thoroughly for 20 to 30 seconds. Let the hand sanitizer dry naturally instead of wiping off any excess.
Let me know if you have your own recipe or other ways to stay healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak.
By the way, here is a list of items for non-preppers who want to be ready for the possible spread of the virus:
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If you would like to know more about being prepared, read this post on the essential items to prepare for the Coronavirus.
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