Watch as the media fakes this medical worker counter-protest right in front of someone streaming live on Facebook.
Is the media causing us to be more divisive during the worst time in recent history? How much of our news is even real at this point?
We should be holding our media accountable for actions like this. People need to come together and understand that the media and politics are further dividing us.
Unlike during the last World War, we are divided instead of united. There are no victory gardens, programs to bring us together, and there is no ability to talk to your neighbor due to social distancing.
There will be a certain point where people start to realize who the real enemy is. The average citizen will drop their differences in favor of uniting. This needs to happen soon or we risk tearing each other apart.
Our reactions and how we treat each other are turning out to be almost as severe as the virus. Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Freedom of the press is great and every country should exercise it. That does not mean that they should have the freedom to manipulate people through staged photo ops and videos.
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