Video, text, everything from this wild man, part time lunatic(as most real-life heroes), and red-blooded American Dave Portnoy.
OK, Corona, rant time whenever I do a Corona rant.
Half the people fucking hate me, half love me.
We’ll see where this one lands me.
What the fuck’s going on?
When did this become flatten the curve, flatten the curve, flatten the curve to we have to find a cure or everyone’s gonna die…like Fauci.
He seems like a nice enough dude.
I’ve always been… no agenda.
Looks like he could be maybe the grandfather in Wedding Crashers.
He gets in front of the Senate. He’s like, we’re reopening the country too quick.
Everyone’s dead.
Where’d that come from? And the L.A. mayor…
We’re not opening the city till we find a cure.
What? What?
Find a cure who says we’re going to find a cure???
We haven’t found a cure to cancer, took AIDS 20 years or whatever… do we even have a cure?
So the economy just shut down.
All we’ve heard forever flatten the curve, flatten the curve…
Make sure there are hospital beds… we are there.
Now, all of a sudden, it’s like a 180.
It’s like taking a cross-country flight.
Six hours.
They tell you five, six hours, five hours and a half go by.
They get on the intercom like, oh, just kidding. We have another 10 hours.
You can’t do that.
People have been mentally preparing.
We’re doing what you ask.
We’ve done exactly what you said.
Now you’re changing the rules…
and some states are open… some closed.
L.A. shutting down New York shutting down Arizona is opening.
Florida is opening seems along political lines.
What is going on? And what about people who own businesses and economies
and shit like that?
You can’t stay closed indefinitely.
Imagine working for like a year, five years, 10 years, two decades, grinding your fingers to the bone to build the business.
Barstool thank God will be all right.
I’m talking about other businesses, people of jobs who’ve worked their whole fucking lives off to put food on the table.
Create a happy living.
They are just gonna go out of business.
They’re gonna wake up whenever this thing ends, whenever the mayors say, oh, you can go back to work.
Work to what?
Your company is gonna be out of business.
The economy is going to be in the shitter.
There is going to be no jobs.
How the fuck you’re gonna pay for your family? Put food on the table.
All that shit.
Like, what are you doing? You going to give these people a choice?
If you told me because of Corona I lost Barstool.
I had to go get a nine to five and start fucking over.
I’d rather die of Corona seriously or at least take my chances.
I’m not saying everybody would do that.
I would.
But if I dedicated 20 years my life, I don’t wanna start over.
I’ll fucking deal with Corona.
You can’t just make everybody stay inside and basically start over.
It’s insane.
Look, what the fuck do they think’s gonna happen?
At some level, we’ve done what you’ve asked us to do.
If you’re that scared, of Corona, stay inside.
The beds are open. It doesn’t kill every…I get it.
It’s not a great option. There are no great options.
But you can’t just decimate the entire economy.
How the fuck is that going to work? We’re staying inside till there’s a cure.
When did that become the game? Who said we’ll get the cure? That’s not a guarantee.
So we’re just done as humans.
Get the hell out.
There’s risk.
We’re Americans.
You have to take risk.
If people wanna go out, they can go out, if they wanna stay in they stay in we’ve done what you’ve said.
You can’t just midstream. Just kidding.
Flatten the curve, Flatten the curve uhhh uhhh CURE!!!
What? When did this happen? When did this happen?
And it can’t sustain.
At least we have a chance if we go out with Corona, like Switzerland and those places that just let it roll.
We have no chance.
If you don’t let people go outside, this country is going to be done.
So no one’s going to have jobs.
No one’s got businesses. It’s going to be done.
It’s over.
Let me roll the dice and play Corona or at least give me the choice.
That’s all we want.
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